Monday morning 6.15am - On the bus to work. Knowing I had a busy week ahead my plan was to get a head start on Monday. Humming happily on the bus as it whooshed across the bridge over the grey pre-sunset harbour I realised I forgot my door pass. I couldn't get in until everyone else knocked in around 9am. Hmm. Life's way of telling to me slow down. I walked to work, but stopped along the way at a cute cafe I'd been deliberately walking past recently. Why the detour? A different message written everyday on the chalkboard sign. Each day is funny and makes me smile. I entered the coffee shop on Monday to meet their maker. A sweet girl, who had just moved from Canberra (where I went to uni!) was the magic behind the message. I told her how funny I thought the signs were and she grinned at me through the steam. She said she stresses about what to write each day, and was chuffed to have the feedback. I sat down to toast and a coffee, then continued on to work - happier for knowing I had made the day of a girl who makes a little difference to my mornings. And the work? It was still there, just a little easier to handle after a good start to the day.