My BBM package arrived on Friday!!
I was so excited after unpacking everything, that I packed it all back up and drove to my brothers where we unpacked it again and ran around the house yelling out the names of the products in really awful Southern accents. Nothing worse than true-blue aussies trying to sound Texan!
Thankyou to Marci. I had never seen any of these items in Australia before:
Pumpkin Pancake Mix & Gingerbread Pancake Mix from Kerbey Lane Cafe. I love what this cafe stands for - from it's green ethics to it's 100% american style of recipes.
Stubb's Bar-B-Q Sauce. Before I ever left Australia to go travelling 10 years ago I naively thought we did barbies better than any country. And was I ever proven wrong! I can't wait to impress at the next summer bbq.
Apple Butter We don't really have 'fruit butters' here - usually only jam. So this was a very exciting find. My family suggested doing an apple glaze on a roast ham, but I could also use it on scones or as a sweet jam. Ah, the possibilities . . .
Texas Chewie Pecan Pralines and 'Longhorns' (Pecan Pralines covered in chocolate). Their website says 'Lammes still uses its century old family recipe to cook the world-famous "Texas Chewies.' They're delicious and very moreish. Went beautifully with a cup of Earl Grey Tea while typing this post mmmmmmmm

New Canaan Farm East Texas Blueberry Jam and Citrus Sangria Jelly. These look so good I went to buy flour for scones so I could do them justice.
Guarana Antarctica - Brazilian soft drink. Am going to wait for the next really hot day to drink this so I can pretend I'm in Brazil.
Mole Verde Sauce. This looked home-made. I'm a huge fan of home-made things. I had to look this one up: A spicy Mexican condiment which is a mixture of pumpkin seeds (pepitas), ground nuts and sesame seeds, tomatillos, green chile peppers (typically poblano or serrano), spices, soybean oils, bread or crackers (wheat flour and corn starch), sugar, and other seasonings. I can't wait to cooking dinner for my friends or family so they can try this out.
Thankyou to Stephanie at Dispensing Happiness for arranging Blogging by Mail. And most of all to Marci. Thankyou! Your parcel is truly a gastronimc adventure!