I am very lucky. And it shouldn't be the material things that remind me of that. But what the heck, it's Christmas and I am very impressed with how much I love everything that I have been given. I liked it so much that I took a photo and made a list (in no particular order):
1. soft and colourful carry bag - from B's lovely and sweet Mum
2. chalkboard that reads 'Hooray - one more job to do and it's gin and tonic time!' from my list-loving step-sister-in-law. Oh dear. I can see the list of relatives may get confusing. . .
3. sparkly necklace - from my stepbrother's cousin. Yep - told you it may get confusing. Bear with me. The necklace is gorgeous. I admire her taste!
4. painting of a mandala from my artistic and creative Mum - using paints I bought for her in India
5. books from B who is both clever and insightful.
6. notebooks and photo album from Kikki K (I love Kikki K!) from my perceptive and observant brother & his wife.
7. Gourmet Food Safari! OK this was on the very little list I gave to my Dad & Stepmum . . I can't wait. I already booked it - a tour of 'Turkish Sydney'
8. The fanciest jet-set Aesops toiletries thanks to the fine taste of my cousin and his wife.
9. subscription to Good Taste magazine - I buy this magazine every month and considering I am taking a vow of Compacting from Jan 1 this was the only magazine I decided I really really want to have . . . thankyou to my Aunt M and Uncle D.
10. Tuscan egg cups from my wicked step-mother who took my real request seriously (I wasn't joking when I said I really needed some!) and ordered them from Italy.
11. Tall purple candles courtesy of my cousin's advice and my Aunt B and Uncle G's generosity
12. Taylor & Khoo toiletries bag from Aunt B - all profits from T&K go directly to Cambodian orphans. I adore their stuff and believe in what they do.
13. Hand and body cream from B's Mum which is truly lush and smells of tuberose and hyacinth.
14. Pick up sticks. OK - this was really for B from my kind step-family, but who's gonna be the lucky girl to challenge him to a game?
15. Double Compilation CD created by my 'I told you I was trouble' step-niece. She's cool and is about my only redemption from complete old-age geekdom.
16. Pirates of the Caribbean style pot-pourri - again from my lovely Aunt B.
OK - I had no idea that I would have chosen these things myself but I love them all! A couple of items were a little camera shy and snuck out of the photo - the George Jensen vase (a housewarming gift from Aunt B) and the beading carry bag (from my thoughtful Granny). Oh - and the cooking class at Sydney Seafood School that B & I gave to each other and will do in January. Very spoilt - but I also feel like the luckiest person ever!
PS My niece loved the cat I made for her from a pair of socks. She promptly renamed the cat 'Pussycat Meow' and taught it to clap in time to carols. Cute!
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